Wednesday 30 May 2012


In my opinion, I think that HRIS subject is really essential because these all system can makes the organization become more effective and efficient. Moreover, the organization usually use user-friendly system to make sure the employee can access easily and also for easy manage by administrated. The system also can help organizations grows faster especially for the international organization that have many workers. These systems can make the data more easily to manage and always up to date.

From learned this subject, finally I can see how information system can be related with human resource activities. Although this knowledge is not necessary to us but it may help us to know deeper on how to do a system.


Online induction system is an online employee induction system which is easily manage and reporting of the induction process of new employees to expose new employee in their new environment organizations and promotion requirement (Kelly Rainer, 2007). It is like first definition for the new employee about the environment in the organization through information system. By implementing online induction system, organization can reduce the cost, time and also reduce manual administration that can make it easy to manage. Actually, online induction can be completed when employee starting work from day one as a new employee which are ready to work.

There are several advantages and disadvantages in online induction system:

  1. Save inductor's and manager's time.
  2. Easy to access with induction online software.
  3. deliverer procedures, provide documents and online surveys to new employees.
  4. engage new employees with the attractive and user-friendly online interface.

  1. Technological complications.
  2. High cost for small organization.
  3. Lack of supervision.
  4. Probability to lose the data.


Employees today work not only to find the cash alone, but they expect more “extra”. This extra is known as employee benefits and also in other words is fringe benefits. Employee benefits are a type of compensation in the form of non-financial offered by the organization. Organization will offer different benefit to different department or different type of job. Problem will arise when organization begin to decide what benefit to give to whom and on which basis? Employee benefits are not performance-based, they are membership-based. Workers receive benefits regardless of their performances. Employee benefits as a whole have no direct affect on employee performance, however, inadequate benefits do contribute to low satisfaction level and increase absenteeism and turnover in employees (DeCenzo and Robbins; 2007). So organization needs to careful design their benefit package. It may include a cell phone to each worker, taking them to a training workshop or seminar, giving them a day or two off every month and so on. While deciding on the benefits package, do consider the associated costs. 


Is there are employee work for free? No. They would, each employee will expect something in return. Just like common phrase: “Give and Take”. Its means, in the simple word always have to give things to people and return to what you take from them. Compensation refers to this exchange, but in monetary terms. Compensation is the employer's feedback for an employee's work. It simply is the monetary value organization would give to their employees in return of the services.

Gary Dessler in his book Human Resource Management defines compensation in these words "Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay going to employees and arising from their employment." The phrase 'all forms of pay' in the definition does not include non-financial benefits, but all the direct and indirect financial compensations.


Advantages for Organization:

A well designed compensation and benefits plan helps to attract, motivate and retain talent in organization. A well designed compensation & benefits plan will benefit in the following ways.

1. Job satisfaction: Employees would be happy with their jobs and would love to work for the organization if they get fair rewards in exchange of their services.
2. Motivation: Each employee has different kinds of needs. Some of them want money so they work for the company which gives them higher pay. Some value achievement more than money, they would associate themselves with organization which offer greater chances of promotion, learning and development. A compensation plan that hits workers’ needs is more likely to motivate them to act in the desired way.
3. Low Absenteeism: Why would anyone want to skip the day and watch not-so-favorite TV program at home, if they enjoy the office environment and are happy with their salaries and get what they need and want?
4. Low Turnover: Would employees want to work for any other organization if organization offers them fair rewards. Rewards which they thought they deserved?

Advantages for Employees:

1. Peace of Mind: Organization offer of several types of insurances to the employee relieves them from certain fears. The employees as a result now work with relaxed mind.
2. Increases self-confidence: Every human being wants his/her efforts to get acknowledgment. Employees gain more and more confidence in them and in their abilities if they receive just rewards. As a result, their performance levels shoot up.


Information system is very helpful to the organization which many things can be done easily and efficient. Many organizations now are looking forward and implement ELD system. The function of this system is to plan and observe the employee training, analyze the employee career development and employee performance. The purpose of ELD system is to improve and correct an employee performance, increase employee knowledge, skill and also help employee to manage their stress due to work overload. However this system also helps to record every employee personal information, training course, training transfer and program evaluation.

Besides, the web-based technology system of ELD component is important things from this topic because the advantages are able to achieve the cost effectiveness, easier empowerment and facilitation, in the same time to improve employee’s computer skill.

Moreover, the important is the organization need to create a learning culture by let them have self directed learning when use computer to learn. According to Serrat (2009) stated that a learning organization influence effectiveness in develop organizational.

The advantages of using this system is:
·                  Help employees to access the training and development system that related to them.
·                  Reduce the cost of management where it can be done automatically
·                  it is also empower and easy to access by employees where they can search and gain information about training and development by themselves
·                  The most important is employees skills in computer will increase.
Serrat, O. (2009). Building a Learning Organization. Knowledge Solutions, p.46- 53

Wednesday 4 April 2012


After seven week I attend the HRIS class, there are a lot new knowledge that I learn from this subject. In the first week of class start, it is quite difficult for me to understand the HRIS subject. But after lecture and by doing the case study, it helps me to better understand the actual function of HRIS.

From my understanding, I can conclude that HRIS is a database designed to allow tracking of all sorts of personnel related information and also can be useful for the organization to make Human Resource Department and Human Resource Management become much easier and effective because from the system employee can gathering data in the systematic ways and also consistent. In HRIS it consists of all part of HR which includes recruiting and staffing, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, payroll, induction system, promotion, and others. However, it is also have some disadvantages on HRIS such as virus, data loss and risky for the organization and the employee may be refuse to use the system.

Performance Management (PM) Cycle

In this entry I want to discuss about the Performance Management Cycle which a little bit different from the lecture. I just want to share this topic to increase the various sources of the information. So that we are not dependent on one sources only.

In the class that we learned, there are 5 stages of the PM cycle which consists: 

          1.      Planning
          2.      Monitoring
          3.      Developing
          4.      Rating/ reviewing
          5.      Rewarding

      But, from a source that I get, there also have 5 stages, which is:


        1.      Plan
        2.      Manage
        3.      Review
        4.      Reward
        5.      Renew

      Here, I want to discuss from the sources that I gather from the internet that might be useful for us to know it. In the 5 stages is depending on the type of organization, the management cycle may take place over a year's period or month by month. 
      Stage 1 - Planning
      The first stage of the performance management cycle is to plan. This will involve receiving together with employee and evaluating expectations for a set period of time. The first stage in the planning process will be to evaluate about employees current role and performance, this will gain an initial idea about areas of improvement and realistic targets.
      Stage 2 - Manage
      In stage 2, it is to implement the plan and managing the performance. This can be provide support to employee at all times and ensuring that the appropriate systems and also tools are available to maximize the performance expectations.
      Stage 3 - Review
      Before we going to stage 3, we need to make sure that the performance structure set out in stage one is being adhered. This might be useful for any barriers to performance that could have a direct affect on other areas of the organization. Speaking to the middle employee through a performance cycle, it is a good chance to have their objectives depending on external factors.

      Stage 4 – Reward
      If all of the objectives have been met, in stage 4 is to reward employees. The reasons and types of rewards are be discussed during stage one when objectives are outlined.
      Stage 5 - Renew
      The final stage of the performance management cycle is renewing. This can involve the analyzing previous objectives and looking at ways to improve and how to plan for the next cycle. Methods of rewards can vary from an annual bonus to share scheme options.

Recruitment and Selection

Before I going future to this topic.. Actually in class I’m confused against the function of recruitment and selection. Because I thought recruitment and selection have a same function, but actually it is totally different. Then, I am looking for information to see the differences between each of it to make me better understanding.  I show in table form for easy to see the difference. Let's take a look the differences for expand our knowledge;

Recruitment and selection are the two processes for employment to get a potentials employee. The differences between the two processes are: 

It is the process of searching candidates for vacant jobs and making them apply for the organization.
It is the process of selection that involves series of step by screened for most suitable types of candidates and offering them jobs.

It is a positive process because it encouraging more and more employee to apply.
It is a negative process because it involves rejection of the unsuitable candidates.

The basic purpose is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of the best candidates for the organization by attracting more and more employees to apply it jobs.

The basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organization.

It is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources.
It is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate through various interviews and tests.

The firm notifies the vacancies through various sources and distributes application forms to candidates.
The firm asks the candidates to pass through a number of stages such as filling of forms, employment tests, interview, medical exam and so on.
No contractual relation is created. Recruitment implies communication of vacancies only.
Selection follows recruitment and it leads to a contract of service between the employer and the employee.

SWOT Analysis VS PESTLE Analysis?

I learned both of this analysis in the second week classes. By doing the group discussion in class, I able to understand the use of the function on both analysis. Let’s me share my knowledge about the SWOT and PESTLE analysis in brief.

What is SWOT Analysis?
      S = Strengths – The advantages that we have over the competition concerning the project.
     W = Weaknesses – The disadvantages that we have internally compared with our competitors.
      O= Opportunities – Current external trends which are waiting to be taken advantage of.
      T = Threats – External movements which may cause a problem and have a negative impact on     our business. 

From each point, it is possible to identify the internal advantages or disadvantages which could be benefit to the outcome of a planned project. Besides, by using this analysis we also able to discover the external factors which could make a organization are success or failure of a project. It is a good to work through the SWOT Analysis in the early stages of project planning.

While, what is PESTLE Analysis?
It is stands for the analysis of the external factors which be beneficial when conducting research before beginning a new project or to help conduct market research. Unlike SWOT analysis, this strategy is more directly aimed at the external macro environmental factors that might be affecting the position of the business, the reasons behind growth or decline in the market and also identify new directions for the business as a whole.
      P= Political – Laws, global issues, legislation and regulations which may have an effect on our business either immediately or in the future.
      E= Economic – Taxes, interest rates, inflation, the stock markets and consumer confidence all need to be taken into account.
      S= Social – The changes in lifestyle and buying trends, media, major events, ethics, advertising and publicity factors.
      T= Technological – Innovations, access to technology, licencing and patents, manufacturing, research funding, global communications.
      L= Legal – Legislation which have been proposed and may come into effect and any passed legislation’s.
      E= Environmental – Environmental issues either locally or globally and their social and political factors.

Introduction: all about me, myself and I..

My name is Normaayu Binti Isia, just call me Ayu. I am from Gombak, Wilayah Presekutuan Kuala Lumpur. I was born on 13th November 1990. I have 5 siblings, which is 3 strong brothers and one gorgeous sister, I was the youngest once. My parent’s works as business partner in our family business. Probably because of that, I was motivated to become an entrepreneur in the future. (^^,)

In my education background, from primary school at SRKJ(C) Sentul Pasar to secondary school at SMK Setapak Indah until further my study at Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis (KMP) I was majored in accounting before I became a student at UTM. My favorite subject is Mathematics. I love to calculate and to solve the equation in mathematics issues. Surprisingly, I had been offered to take courses in Bachelor of Degree for Psychology (Industrial and Organizational Psychology). Although psychology is one from my list to continue studies but I do not expect that I would enter in this field and I realized that when taken in this area my skills in mathematics less be required. ;c a little sad..

Nevertheless, after studied and explore the Psychology field it becomes interesting because we are learn about the human being which consist cognitive, thinking, human behavior, development of human and so on. Now, almost three years I was here and right now I am at my final semester. Only have a few months for me to be a UTM student. After that sayonara UTM… again, a little sad :c..  and last but not least I am very thankful for having a lovely friends who are sincere to be my friends, they are very helpful and understanding.
That’s all from me.. Thank You